Frosthaven - Boneshaper

Next up was the Boneshaper! At the cost of some of her health and summon skeletons to the battlefield. There is a class in Gloomhaven that utilises a lot of summons, and I had a lot of fun playing as them. So, on the off chance that I do end up picking the Boneshaper as my starting class in Frosthaven, I decided to get her painted up second and primed her in the same light grey as I did for the Banner Spear. 

If there was a word to describe the Boneshaper miniature it would be “wavey”. Between the billowing clothing and the rippling ground I very nearly broke out the Contrast paints . I didn’t in the end, but I did get out just about every dark or near black paint that I had. I started by basecoating her skin with Two Thin Coats Runic Purple, a colour I had used for other Aesther classes in Gloomhaven. Her cloak I painted with several thin coats of Incubi Darkness, until I had built up a solid colour. The clothes she is wearing under her cloak I painted with Caliban Green, which wasn’t as dark as I’d hoped it would be over the white-grey primer but did tie in nicely with the Incubi Darkness. For a bit of variety I painted her tabard with a burgundy colour, which I made by mixing Screamer Pink and Corvus Black in a two-to-one ratio. I finished up the basecoats by painting her hair with Corvus Black, the leather belt and boots with Rhinox Hide and the blades of her dagger with Scale75 Black Metal.

For the washes, I washed the skin with Army Painter Purple Tone, which I then subsequently painted with a layer of Lahmian Medium to remove the gloss finish. Everything else, got a coat of Nuln Oil. 

As everything was so dark I decided to go really bright with the highlights, where possible using highly saturated colours. With that in mind, I started by first layering the Boneshaper’s cloak with Incubi Darkness and then highlighting it with Warpstone Glow. For her clothes, I mixed Warpstone Glow with some Yriel Yellow and used that for the highlights. Her tabard I highlighted with Screamer Pink and the leather I highlighted with Skrag Brown. For her skin I started by layering with Two Thin Coats Runic Purple then highlighting using a fifty-fifty mix of Two Thin Coats Runic Purple and Pallid Wych Flesh. Finally, for the hair I first dryrbushed it all over with Dawnstone and then drybrushed one side of it with Niblet Green.

For the base, I kept it similar to the Banner Spear. Whilst the ripples could represent mud or undulating sands, I wanted to keep all my Frosthaven bases snow themed. With that in mind, I basecoated the base with Ulthuan Grey which I then washed with Apothecary White contrast paint before finally drybrushing across the ripples with a pure white. For the skulls, I basecoated them with Army Painter Skeleton Bone before giving them a coat of Skeleton Horde contrast paint. I painted the rim of the base with Warpstone Glow and the Boneshaper was ready to shape some bones!


Frosthaven - Drifter


Frosthaven - Banner Spear