Forgone Miniatures

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Frosthaven - Geminate

The Geminate’s party trick is that they can switch between a melee and a ranged state, represented on the board by two miniatures. In the ranged state, for example, you cannot play melee cards (and vice versa). So the character requires careful management so that you don’t end up stuck in a state with a handful of cards you cannot play. 

In contrast to the complexity of how the class plays, the model was incredibly easy to paint. Well sort of, there were a few hard to reach areas. In any case, I started by basecoating the cloth rags with several thin coats of Xereus Purple. The skin, or what passes for it, I painted with Two Thin Coats Dungeon Stone. For the faces, I figured it would be a rather fun contrast to paint them with Scale75 Dwarven Gold. And with that the basecoats were done, I suppose I could have painted some of the rags/cloths in alternate shades or even different colours but I liked the uniformity of the single colour. 

The washes, however, I did use some variety. While I washed the clothes with Nuln Oil, the limbs and exposed skin I washed with Drakenhof Nightshade. I felt the cooler tone of the blue wash would contrast nicely with the richer purple of the clothing. To help emphasise that, I gave the gold face masks a coat of Guilliman Flesh contrast paint. 

With the washes done I could move onto the layering and highlighting. For the robes/clothes/rag whatever you want to call them, I started by layering with Xereus Purple. Layering like this helps to bring back some of the brightness that was lost to the mostly black Nuln Oil wash. Next I wanted to really make the folds in the cloth stand out, so I started by mixing Xereus Purple with Two Thin Coats Runic Purple and applying this to the raised areas of the folds and the edges of the cloth. I followed this up with some point highlights with pure Runic Purple. The limbs I did something fairly similar, starting by layering with Two Thin Coats Dungeon Stone. And then to bring out the raised areas quickly and easily I dryrushed the limbs with Dawnstone. I was tempted to do some layering and highlighting on the masks/faces but I was worried if I did it would take the focus away from the cloth. In the end, all I did was dot some Thousand Suns Blue for the eyes. 

For the base, I started by giving them a couple thin coats of Dryad Bark and picking out some of the rocks with Dawnstone. I then washed the whole base with Army Painter Strong Tone. To finish off the bases I mixed Valhallan Blizzard texture paint with some PVA glue and a touch of water. Like with the Blinkblade, the PVA helped thin the texture paint so that it looked like slushy half-melted snow. Lastly, I painted the rims of the base with Xereus Purple and my Geminate models were complete.