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Gloomhaven - "Circles" class unlock

As mentioned in a previous article, in our Gloomhaven campaign my wife and I have just retired our starting characters. Whilst I unlocked the “Angry Face”, my wife unlocked the “Circles” class. As before if you don’t want any spoilers then stop reading now. 

The “Circles” class is the Summoner which unsurprisingly specialises in bringing a lot of summoned allies to the table. The character is also an Aesther, a race that accidentally managed to trap themselves between the planes of reality. They have translucent bodies that seem to phase in and out of existence. The artwork really helps to sell their ethereal nature as well. However as good as the art is I’m not sure that I could accurately translate it to the model. 

So, starting from a primer of Army Painter Uniform Grey I basecoated the skin with several coats of Vallejo Squid Pink. In hindsight as the pot I have is from their Air range I should have used an airbrush to basecoat the skin rather than a million thin coats. In any case, I then washed the skin with Reikland Fleshshade and layered back up with Squid Pink. To finish the skin off I drybrushed Temple Guard Blue onto the palm of her hand and onto her “hair”, which contrasted nicely with the pink skin. 

I painted her cloak with a couple of thin coats of Xereus Purple. In keeping with the purple theme I painted most of her clothing with Screamer Pink, including the tassels under her cloak. Both of these areas I then washed with Purple Tone. Once that was dry I then gave it a coat of Lahmian Medium to bring down the shine a bit.

To help break up all the relentless pink and purple I picked out a few areas with Thousand Sons Blue which I then washed with Drakenhof Nightshade. To bring out the some of the texture, I then drybursh the end of her staff with Temple Guard Blue as I had for her hand and hair. Her staff, neck armour and the knife on her waist I painted with some Scale75 Dwarven Gold which was then washed with Reikland Fleshshade. To finish off the dagger I put a small dot of Mephiston Red on the gem on the pommel. One of the last areas to paint was the leather such as the belts around her waist and her boots with my usual Mournfang Brown and give those areas a wash with Strong Tone. 

The very last thing I needed to do was her base which I did in the same way that I have for all my Gloomhaven miniatures: slap on some Stirland Mud texture paint, wash it with Strong Tone then drybrush with Tyrant Skull. Add a grass tuft or two and the Summoner was complete!

Overall, quite a simple model to paint. Although I think part of that was that I found it a little hard to tell what was what on the model so in the end I basecoated it with Screamer Pink and let the wash sort it out. In any case that’s one more boardgame miniature done, onto the next one!

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 759

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 7