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Gloomhaven - Demolitionist and Tinkerer

The Demolitionist and the Tinkerer both being the same race, a Quatryl, it made sense to paint them at similar times. Although to be honest, neither have much skin showing aside from their faces. 

I started with the Tinkerer as they continue the trend of a relatively simple paint scheme. The artwork has the Tinkerer in mainly brown tones, so given I had planned to paint him with brown leather and bronze armour I wasn’t too sure what colour to use for his clothes. In the end I decided on some Vallejo Model Colour English Uniform, which I figured is a nice utilitarian colour. For the Quatryl skin/fur I was Khaki and as you might imagine I used Mournfang Brown for the leather pack and boots, and Scale75 Old Copper for the armour plates. For the crossbow, bolts,  goggles and dagger on his thigh I used Leadbelcher. I then washed the entire model with Army Painter Strong Tone. The very last bit of detail that I needed to do was the flask in his hand. I started by basecoating it with Corvus Black then painted the lower half with Warpstone Glow to represent the liquid. I then added some small yellow dots to look like bubbles in the liquid. I then added a couple of quick highlights to the black areas with Mechanicus Standard Grey before giving the whole flask a coat of gloss varnish to give it that glassy feel. The very last that I needed to do was to paint the lens of his goggles and his totally-not-arc-reactor on his chest with a bit of Greenstuff World Fluorescent Blue paint. Will I ever shine a UV light on this guy? Probably not, fun anyway though. 

Where the Tinkerer is a rather drab brown the Demolitionist is anything but, the artwork for him is very colourful and I decided to reflect that in my painting scheme. First things first though, I filled in the usual brown details: Vallejo Khaki for the skin, Mournfang Brown for the leather and Scale75 Old Copper for the metallics. For actual colours, I used Screamer Pink for his bandana and Mephiston Red for his earmuffs. I then used Thousand Sons Blue for his trousers and Averland Sunset for the tassels on his belt. Finally I washed the whole model with Army Painter Strong Tone to bring out the detail. The artwork has a load of patterns on the Demolitionists trousers and bandana but to be honest I didn’t feel I had a steady enough hand for them. Maybe I’ll go back and fill them in when I’m feeling more confident.

The last thing I needed to do was the plume and exhaust cloud of his rocket boots. To start with I basecoated both parts with several coats of Averland Sunset. I used this as a midtone for the flames and with that in mind the next step was very thin coats of Yriel Yellow to where I wanted the flames to be hottest, that is to say right under the boots. For the warmer tones I thinned down some Jokaero Orange so that it was transparent and glazed it in over the exhaust cloud and a little way up the flames under the boots. I then repeated this step with Evil Sunz Scarlet except I didn't go as far up the flames as I did with the orange. As a final step I drybrushed the exhaust cloud with Mechanicus Standard Grey. It’s not perfect but I’m rather proud of the effect. 

Last of all, I based the two miniatures the same way that I do for all my Gloomhaven miniatures by putting some Stirland Mud texture paint on the base, washing it with Strong Tone and drybrushing it with Tyrant Skull. Stuck on some grass tufts and I was done!

So that’s two more boardgame miniatures complete. Still seven hundred and sixty-one left to do but progress is progress. Onwards to the next miniatures!

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 761

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 5