Forgone Miniatures

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Gloomhaven - Mindthief and Scoundrel

Now I will be the first to admit I messed up with the Mindthief, the character isn’t attached to the base but is standing on a little oval of terrain. I should have sorted this out before priming them. Alas, hindsight is fun like that. Fortunately, I have some milliput leftover from casting my Blightklones. So I mixed a bit up and smeared it on the base, using a bit of water and sculpting tools to smooth things down. I left it overnight to cure and brushed on a thin layer of Vallejo Grey Primer just to make sure any paint properly adheres. 

For the Mindthief itself, they were actually really easy to paint once I decided on the colours. I was tempted to paint them grey but I figured they would end up looking too much like the Cragheart. In the end I gave them a more or less all over coat of Fenrisian Grey, which is a nice blue-grey colour. To further drive that blue colour I washed the fur with Drakenhof Nightshade before layering with Fenrisian Grey and highlighting with Vallejo Wolf Grey. 

And that was the majority of the model done. All that I had left to do was to pick the tail and inside of the mouth Vallejo Dwarf Flesh, the leather pouches and boots with Mournfang Brown and the little dagger with Leadbelcher. For her (do Vermlings have genders?) bracelets I painted them with Scale75 Old Copper.  I washed the leather with Strong Tone and for the dagger and dabbed on some Scale75 Instant Colour Ancestral Blue to tint the blade. It sort of worked but needed multiple coats. I’m still struggling to find a use for this line of paints. I find they’re a bit too “chalky” to use as a glaze and they don’t have nearly enough colour to be a wash. 

On closer inspection, the Scoundrel is actually quite a simple model. It just looks complex with all the textures and folds on her clothes, same as the Mindthief really.. But all that really means is that model will really benefit from a wash or contrast paints. 

In keeping with the character’s green theme I painted her top (dress?) with a few coats of Warboss Green and the wraps around her legs with Death Guard Green. I then “washed” both these areas with Warp Lightning contrast paint, which I really should have thinned as it pretty much completely overpowered both areas and you would have some difficulty in seeing that they have different underlying paints. 

The wraps around her thighs I painted with Khaki, and the sword handles I painted with Scale 75 Old Copper. For all the leather details like her boots, gloves and scabbard I painted with Mournfang Brown. I was tempted to paint the armour on her shoulders and forearms in NMM gold like I had done for the Voidwarden but I decided against it. Partly due to laziness, partly as I felt a rogue-like character would be unlikely to wear heavy metal plates. So in the end I painted them with Mournfang Brown as well. The final part that I painted was to give her hair a few coats of Scrofulous Brown. I then washed each of these areas with Strong Tone. 

For the face, I started by painting her domino mask with Warpstone Glow and her eyes with Averland Sunset. For the skin, I gave it a couple of thin coats of Cadian Fleshstone before washing it with Reikland Fleshshade. I then layered back up with Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh.

In keeping with the green theme, I basecoated her dagger with some Scale75 Peridot Alchemy which is a yellow-green metallic paint. I then used some Warp Lightning contrast at the base of the dagger and blended it up the blade. 

For the bases, I kept them the same as I have for the other Gloomhaven classes: I first put on some Stirland Mud, washed with Strong Tone before finally drybrushing with Tyrant Skull. Stuck on some grass tufts and that was another two boardgame miniatures done! 

Really pleased with how these two turned out and was pleasantly surprised how easy they were to paint. Maybe I’ll pick either of these two when I retire the Brute character I’m currently playing. Depends what new class I unlock I suppose!

Three models down this year, hardly making a dent but we’ve only just started. Here’s hoping I can keep the momentum going!

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 763

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 3