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Gloomhaven - "Two Minis" class unlock

So the Personal Quest that my Angry Face didn’t actually take me all that long, and in no time at all I have unlocked my next class: the Two Minis class. So called because the class has two miniatures. I believe the class is referred to as the Phoenix in Gloomhaven digital. In any case, let’s crack on painting these two. It goes without saying though, that from here on out there are spoilers for the boardgame Gloomhaven. 

The two minis class is the Beast Tyrant, specifically a vermling and their bear companion. I’ve only played a couple of scenarios with them but so far I’m really enjoying it, a very different playstyle to my Angry Face character. 

Normally, I would prime my miniatures with my trust can of Army Painter Uniform Grey. But I dropped the can and the nozzle snapped off. So instead I used some Vallejo Surface Primer Grey through my airbrush. The dropper bottle says Grey but to be honest it came out more white than anything else. Not the end of the world though I suppose. 

For the bear, I started by painting all the fur with a couple of thin coats of Mournfang Brown. In the artwork the armour plates on the bear don’t seem to be metallic, they look more bone coloured. Unsurprising then that I decided to paint them with some Army Painter Skeleton Bone. I wanted to use the rug on the back of the bear to inject some colour into the model, I see Vermlings as a very vibrant culture. With that in mind I basecoated the rug with the few thin coats of Temple Guard blue before painting the tassels and a crosshatch design with Evil Sunz Scarlet. Finally, I then washed the entire model with Strong Tone. I was going to do some drybrushing but I liked how it turned out. 

With the bear done I could then focus on the Beast Tyrant. To keep things consistent, I painted him in the same way as I did the other Vermling class: the Mindthief. I started by basecoating the fur with a couple of thin coats of Fenrisian Grey and then washed it with Drakenhof Nightshade. Once dry I highlight back up with Fenrisian Grey and Vallejo Wolf Grey, paying particular attention to the face. As with the Mindthief, that was most of the model complete. Keeping with the colourful theme, I picked out the feathers with Evil Sunz Scarlet, Warboss Green and Temple Guard Blue. The spear shaft I painted with Army Painter Skeleton Bone, the wraps I painted with Vallejo Khaki and the spear head I painted with Leadbelcher. Lastly I picked out the few bits of leather with Mournfang Brown. Unlike the Mindthief I couldn’t make out a tail on the model so I moved onto the washes. For washes, I used Nuln Oil on the feathers and spear head, then Strong Tone on the spear haft and wraps. 

Last but not least I did the bases in the same way that have done for all my Gloomhaven miniatures: slap on some Stirland Mud texture paint, wash it with Strong Tone and drybrushed with Tyrant Skull. 

Two more models done, hopefully the last Gloomhaven ones for the time being. Not that I mind the Gloomhaven miniatures at all, I really enjoy unlocking new content, but variety is the spice of life. And it’s not like I don’t have a huge variety of other miniatures to paint…

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 729

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 37