Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) - Ghosts and Cultists

Hot on the heels of the Riot and Deep One Hybrid miniatures, I jumped right into the Cultists and the Ghosts. Blu-tacked them to a stick, primed them with grey and got to painting. 

These six guys are basically all robes so I figured that they would be super easy to paint. I started by giving the robes a couple of thin coats of Corvus Black. I then used Mephiston Red around the edges to give it some accent. And Mournfang Brown for the belts around their waists. For the skin, I again used Kislev Flesh as it’s a nice pale colour befitting cultists that likely spend most of their time chanting in basements. For the stylish 80’s mustaches I gave them a coat of Rhinox Hide.The icons in their hands I painted with Scale75 Old Copper before picking out the central gem with Mephiston Red

Honestly before I looked in the manual, I thought these two guys were zombies rather than ghosts. The model definitely evokes images of Jacob Marley from Dickens' A Christmas Carol. With that in mind I base coated the skin with Ionrach Skin, which is almost a ghostly green colour. The shirt I painted with Army Painter Skeleton Bone although I was a little worried that it was a bit too similar to the skin colour. The trousers I painted with Corvus Blac and their shoes I painted with Mournfang Brown in keeping with the rest of the Mansions of Madness models. Their hair I painted with Mechanicus Standard Grey and the chains I painted with Leadbelcher. 

With all the basecoats done I could then dunk them in Nuln Oil. Which is more difficult than it sounds, as they don’t have bases and sticking them into blu-tac isn’t as secure as it sounds for globbing on a wash. Perhaps I could try temporarily super glueing them to something next time. 

Nuln Oil woes aside, that’s another eight miniatures done. Progress has been a little slow this past month or so but I should be back in the game now. Hopefully getting these guys done has given me the kick that I need to get back into churning out some miniatures. Ideally, it gives me the drive to finish off those Village Attack miniatures so I can get stuck into something new. 

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 707

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 59


Gloomhaven - Spellweaver


Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 4