Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) - Riots and Deep One Hybrids

With the litany of Gloomhaven miniatures complete for the time being I could focus on some other board games. Ones whose miniatures would hopefully be easier to paint than the ones from Village Attacks. With this in mind I chose Mansions of Madness, mostly due to its conservative model count. I figured I could bash this out in no time. To start with I picked out the Riot and Deep One Hybrid miniatures, as they seemed both simple to paint and there are a bunch of them. The former consists of six miniatures (in three sculpts) of villagers brandishing the usual assortment of home-sourced weapons such as a shovel or an axe. The latter being, as one might infer from the name, are the result of Deep One and human crossbreeding. 

The Mansions of Madness miniatures seem to be on a slightly smaller scale than what I’m used to. Although it might just be the Riot miniatures as you need to fit three chaps onto a single base.  As they’re dressed in, effectively, shirt and slacks it looked like they would be pretty simple to get painted. Appropriately, the colour that I pulled out first was Khaki because one of these guys was absolutely getting some beige trousers, a pair of khakis if you will. For the other sculpts, I painted one set with Corvus Black trousers and one set with Macragge Blue trousers. The latter might have been a bit of a mistake as the blue wasn’t quite washed out enough to pass for denim. For the shirts, I painted one set in Khaki and the other two in Army Painter Skeleton Bone. One of the sculpts have a flat cap, so I painted that in Khaki and another had a woolly hat that I painted in Corvus Black. The shoes for all of them I painted with Mournfang Brown and the wooden handles on the weapons I painted with Dryad Bark. The head of the shovels and axes I painted with Leadbelcher. As I wanted the skin to be a more washed out pale colour I used Kislev Flesh rather than something like Cadian Fleshtone. 

Unlike the Riot miniatures the four Deep One Hybrids are all the same sculpt. As these guys are the unholy combination of fish monster and man I started by painting all the skin with a couple of thin coats of Rakarth Flesh to give them grey inhuman skin. Keeping with the grey theme, I painted their jumpers with Dawnstone. For the trousers I kept things monochromatic and painted them with Corvus Black. To actually inject some colour into these guys, I painted their flat caps with Vallejo Khaki and their boots with Mournfang Brown. They clearly shop at the same stores as the Riot miniatures. Finally, the wooden clubs and their hair I painted with Dryad Bark. Like the Riot miniatures I then washed them entirely with Nuln Oil. 

And there we go, ten easy miniatures painted in no time at all. They honestly make quite a nice break from all the Village Attacks stuff that I’m painting at the moment. Onto the next batch of Mansions of Madness miniatures I think, at this rate I should have them all done in no time at all. 

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 715

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 51


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Village Attacks: Horror of the Sands - Town Heroes