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Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) - Star Spawn

The very last thing I needed to do for Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) were the two Star Spawns. The largest models in the box I had put them off for a while as I wasn’t sure how I was going to paint them. I mean, I knew they were going to be green but which green? And what other colours do I want on these models?

In the end I decided on Mig Ammo’s Green Moss, which is a light yet muted green. I have used it before for my Imperial Guard vehicles. Even better, it goes through an airbrush wonderfully and in no time at all I had both miniatures basecoated with this colour. Whilst I had the airbrush out, I used some Vallejo Camouflage Medium Brown on their chests and the bases of their wings. If I were a more philosophical man, I might have made something of the fact that I was using two military colours to paint some horror from beyond the stars. Alas, I am not.I finished off the base coats with some Vallejo Squid Pink on the facial tentacles and the hands. I did try putting some Squid Pink on the tops of the wings but I didn’t like how it looked so I quickly covered it up with some Green Moss. With the base colours finished I then washed the entire model with Athonian Camoshade. Once that was dry I then drybrushed the entire model with Death Guard Green. Then as a final detail I painted the eyes with Averland Sunset. 

And that’s the Star Spawns done, we are a hand’s breadth away from two hundred miniatures completed this year. So close I can taste it. I wish I had more to say about the Star Spawn but they turned out to be a really, really simple paint job. I didn’t even need to paint the pupils as there’s pits in the model sculpt. Feels good to get another board game finished though. Not sure what I’ll look into next, probably either some more Village Attacks or Zombicide: Invader. 

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 570

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 196