Massive Darkness - Werewolf and Living Construct

I was recently poking through my boardgame collection, as one does, when I came across the unpainted but primed models for the Werewolf and Living Construct from Massive Darkness. I gave them a once over and realised how easy they would be to paint. The Werewolf is all fur and a loincloth. And the Living Construct is just a big metal man. I figured I could get them done in an afternoon. 

Just like I did for the Iron Golem I gave the Living Construct an all over coat of Vallejo Metal Colour Magnesium. I then set about picking out all his trim with Vallejo Hammered Copper. And for a bit more variety I painted the skull designs on his shoulder and knee with some Scale75 Dwarven Gold. The leather tassels around his waist I picked out the Vallejo Dark Fleshtone and the skulls I painted with a couple of thin coats of Army Painter Skeleton Bone. To darken everything down and bring out the texture I then gave the whole model a coat of Basilicanum Grey. Once that was dry I gave it a drybrush with Necron Compound. Admittedly, I did go a bit too heavy with the drybrush and ended up covering a lot of the trim I’d painstakingly painted. But I was happy enough with the end result. For the base I grabbed a random texture paint, in this case Armageddon Dunes, and slapped an even layer of it down. I washed it with Seraphim Sepia and dryrbushed it with Tyrant Skull. And to finish him off, I painted the rim with Mephiston Red as I have done for all the Roaming Monsters in Massive Darkness. 

The Werewolf proved to be just as simple, while I had the airbrush out I gave the fur an even coat of Dryad Bark. For a bit of fun I then used some Rhinox Hide to pick out the more furred areas like on the elbows and across the shoulders. I painted his ruined shorts with Vallejo Khaki and the few metal trinkets on him with Vallejo Hammered Copper. I then washed the entire model with Army Painter Strong Tone and once that was dry I then drybrushed the fur with Mournfang Brown to really bring out the texture. For the base, I decided on Astrogranite as something like Stirland Mud would be too close to the colour of the fur. Once the Astrogranite was dry I washed it with Nuln Oil and drybrushed it with Tyrant Skull. And lastly, as before, I painted the rim of the base with Mephiston Red. 

And with that, another two miniatures were done. Short and sweet, I suppose. The momentum I got from completing all the Zombicide Invader Xenos seems to be paying off, let’s just hope I can keep it going. Not sure what I’m going to paint next though, probably the last few Massive Darkness miniatures. 

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 590

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 176


Massive Darkness - Silence and Sarah


Warhammer Twitch Previews - Summer Skirmish