Warhammer Twitch Preview - Unboxing Dominion

As I have said before I have been a Warhammer 40,000 player/collector for a long long time, the fantasy side of it never really took my fancy. Until fairly recently that is. 

So, things kick off with a bang with a cinematic for the new edition. We get a look at the Stormcast Eternals city in Azyr, seemingly packed with art and pillars. The art, we have actually seen before in various guises in books or as covers. Either way, it looks like the Sigmarines are mustering for a fight against some orcs. Sorry, orruks as they are now known as. So they jump the gate, looking very much like something out of a Thor movie, and start swinging. Shame that the lead Stormcast Eternal chap gets insta-gibbed by some Orruk with a crossbow. Good job that they’re reborn eternal I guess. All in all, it looks like a decent trailer showing off what I’m assuming are soon to be revealed models. 

Actually showcasing some models, we start off unsurprisingly with a sizzle reel showing everything that is coming in the Dominion box. It looks like we’re getting a lot of models for both sides. Following on with the Stormcast Eternals; Yndrasta we have already seen and they managed to avoid a typo this time around. At least this time we do get a sense of her scale, and she is a tall woman! Even without standing on those ruined steps. Next up is the Lord-Imperatant, which looks like he was the guy narrating the trailer and who subsequently got murked by the fella with the crossbow. Shame we didn’t get to see his Gryph-Hound companion in the trailer, who has his own little hammer on collar. Also a bit odd that he has a Gryph-Hound pet but also is wearing a Gryph-Hound pelt around his shoulders? Next is the Knight-Arcanum, they do like they’re hyphenated names don’t they? Judging by her title and the staff she has I’m guessing she is some kind of spellcaster? There is a huge amount of detail on this model, seriously I almost feel that the unhelmeted version will have nose hairs. Moving swiftly on is the Knight-Vexillor (there goes the hyphens again), with a Banner of Apotheosis. Dude is striking a down fine power pose in my opinion. Supposedly, the banner contains fragments of the great anvil upon which the Stormcast Eternals are forged. Must have been a big anvil, or there aren’t many Banners of Apotheosis? With all these cools dudes running about they’re going to need some protection, enter the Praetors. Stormcast Eternals armed with halberds that have some sort of spirit link to whomever they’re guarding. Next up is the Annihilators which I believe we have seen before, burly chaps armed with hammers and shields. They all look like they could bench press a building. Hot on their heels are the Vindictors, who look like a more basic troop armed with spears and shields. All in all some really cool looking models and if I didn’t already have a load of Space Marines I’d be tempted to get some Stormcast Eternals. 

With the Sigmarines out of the way, we move swiftly onto a short animated trailer introducing the Kruleboyz, a more cunning breed of Orruk. Leading them is the Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, the latter of which seems to be some sort of monstrous dog creature. The former unfortunately, seems to have a case of the baby-legs. He looks top notch from the waist up though, very feral and spikey, including a massive shield. Next up is the Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot, which I might have to get just for the sheer hilarity. Very much have a voodoo witch-doctor vibe going on. Continuing with the grot theme there is a Killaboss on foot with a Stab-Grot which is basically a mini-me for the Killaboss. By way of bannermen (banner-orruk?) next up is the Murknob with Belcha-banna, which is also a hilarious name. Dude also has a curiously large number of decapitated heads as trophies. For non-heroes there are the Man-skewer Boltboyz, one of which shot that Stormcast dude in the trailer. I’m not surprised they managed to kill him given the size of their crossbows. For some more traditional battle line troops there are the Gutrippaz, who have shields and spears. Supposedly, they like to taunt the enemy rather than just charging in. Bringing up the rear is some Sneakyboyz in the form of some Hobgrot Slittaz, which look like some lanky grots, a step up from grots but not as tough as a regular orruk. And that wraps it up for models in the Dominion box. Some really cool models in there, and I would be tempted to get some if I collected either of the armies. 

For the actual unboxing, it basically looks like sprue-city which isn’t really surprising given the number of models in the box. Some decent art prints in there too which would be great to put in a frame and hang on the wall. Unsurprisingly the rulebook looks like it could kiill a man, a hardback at 360 pages. Speaking of books, there is a novel release coinciding with the release of the Dominion box. Shockingly, the book is also called Dominion and his written by Darius Hinks, who if I recall correctly also wrote the Blackstone Fortress novel. 

But Dominion isn’t the only new release coming. There is the Knight-Judicator with Gryph-hounds and Stormstrike Chariot, both feature guys with bows that are bigger than they are. Put those crossbows the Man-skewer Boltboyz have to shame. Stormcasts aren’t the only ones getting even more stuff, like the Beast-skewer Killbow. I guess I spoke too soon about the Terminus Bows the Stormcasts have! Krulebyz will also be getting a Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth, because who wouldn’t want an orruk riding a swamp giant? 

And that’s it! So many new models for Age of Sigmar, I really might have to get into Age of Sigmar. Though I would get some Blightkings or Skaven if I had the choice. Either way, I’ll have to keep a closer eye on Age of Sigmar releases. Maybe I’ll grab some Blightkings on the way...


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