Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2021 Day 2

The first of two days for Warhammer 40,000! Will we see anything other than Space Marines? Probably to be honest, Games Workshop have been teasing a lot of Sisters of Battle and Orks of late.

First up the Death Guard crusade book 2 for Charadon, the Book of Fire. Seems to tease the involvement of Be’lakor. I may have to pick up the first book, although I hear it’s a little light on lore; it’s mostly just rules for existing armies. Although it might be useful if I ever get some Chaos, Sisters or Mechanicus units to the table. Aside from Be’lakor there aren't going to be any miniatures released aside from a big box of all the Sector Mechanicus terrain kits. It’s a little tempting, I do like painting terrain, but it can be very expensive. 

Speaking of Sisters, looks like the various teases are coming to a head with the announcement of their new Codex. Leading them is High Abbess Morvenn Vahl, who is not just a Sister of Battle character but an actual High-Lord of Terra! I think this will be the first time any High-Lord has had a model? Assuming that we’re discounting Roboute Guilliman of course. She is unfortunately wearing a Paragon warsuit though, which I’m not a massive fan of. It is a very nice model though. 

The parade of named characters continues with the announcement of Aestred Thurga and Agathae Dolan, the former carrying the Auto-Tapestry of the Emperor’s Judgement and the latter is a Hagiolater which sounds a bit like a fancy name for a remembrancer. 

Next up is the Dogmata, which as far as I can tell is basically a Chaplain but for the Sister of Battle. She even has a big mace just like chaplains do! I do have to say though, she is probably going to need a head swap, because the default looks like she’s just eaten a whole lemon. 

The next few models we have seen in various teases before so I’ll run through them quickly. The Palatine fulfils the role of a Primaris Lieutenant in a Sisters of Battle Army, I’d be tempted to pick on up if I didn’t already have Sister Tariana Palos that already fits that role. The Celestian Sacresants are definitely on my hit list, big shields and bigger maces for stoving the heads of heretics in? Yes please. As hinted above, I’m not a fan of Paragon Warsuits, for me they just don’t seem to fit with the rest of the Sisters line up. And finally, there’s the Castigor tank which is the Sisters version of the Predator tank. Man it really seems that the Sisters of Battle are taking cues from Space Marines. At least they look suitably gothic, something most of the Primaris line is sorely lacking. 

Overall these are some really nice models and I’ve been toying with the idea of collecting Sister for a little while now. Next I was planning on picking up some Maggotkin and Skaven, dip my toe into the fantasy side of things for a change. I may have to pick a squad of Battle Sisters sooner rather than later. Especially as I’m planning my own Death Guard vs Sister of Battle narrative campaign. But we shall see, I have a lot of board game miniatures that I need to paint. Can’t spend all my time only painting Warhammer unfortunately! 


Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2021 Day 3


Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2021 Day 1