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Zombicide Invader - Civilian Extras Part II

What happened to Part 1‽ It’s here, the slapchop article is the unofficial first part of this series.

With the first batch of the Civilian Extras stretch goal done, I rummaged through the rest to see what I could get done next. Whilst rummaging it occurred to me that a lot of the models have a fair amount of white on them. And as I discussed in the above article, white would be very difficult to do with the slapchop method. I figured in that case I might as well get them over and done with, that I could slap and chop my way through the remainder.

As it happened there were nine models in the Civil Extras box that I would have to paint regular styles. Too many for a single batch I decided to split them into three groups: two lots of four and a single model by themselves. Why not three groups of three? You’ll see.

The four I chose for this batch are Lt. Jee-Hye, Insish Vak, Lt. Graham, and Eightball. In other words, four people in white armour. Should be easy enough to get done all at once.

To get things started I super glued a bunch of slate rocks to their bases and primed them grey. I left them overnight for the primer to fully cure then gave each of them a nice even coat of Archive-X Reefer White. I had tested this on the Soldiers in the base game and was impressed with how it turned out. With that done I could move onto picking out the individual details.

Lt. Jee-Hye Chey

Had their last name been Cho I would have absolutely said that Jee-Hye is a reference to GI Joe. But that might have been a little too on the nose. In any case, Lt. Jee-Hye turned out to be a relatively easy model to complete.

I started by picking out a couple of panels of the armour with Vallejo Russian Uniform. The rubber seals around the joints and the crotch panel I painted with Black Templar contrast paint. Any pouches I picked out with Gore-Grunta Fur contrast paint. Her hair I painted with Basilicanum Grey and her face with Ungor Flesh. Finally, I painted her weapons and pipes on her armour with Scale75 Thrash Metal, I then picked out some details with Scale75 Dwarven Gold.

As I had used a lot of contrast paints, the only washes I needed to do was Nuln Oil over the silver details and on her face. Finally, I used the Nuln Oil to paint in a line of wash between the panels and joints in the armour.

Insish Vak

I’m not sure who Insish Vak is a reference to but as an orange fish-alien from a water planet I suspect it might be Admiral Ackbar.

Painting was largely the same as for Lt. Jee-Hye: I picked out a couple of panels with Russian Uniform, the joints between the armour with Black Templar contrast paint, leather pouches with Gore-Grunta Fur, the weapons and pipes with Scale 75 Thrash Metal. In fact, the only difference really was that I painted his head and hands with Gryph-Hound Orange contrast paint.

As you might imagine, the process of washes was also the same for Insish Vak as it was for Lt. Jee-Hye.

Lt. Graham Hardbanks

Unsurprisingly, Lt. Graham turned out to be a very similar paint job to the first two. I did the same process of picking put panels with Russian Uniform, painting the seals with Black Templar, pouches with Gore-Grunta Fur, weapons and pipes with Scale Thrash Metal.

His face I painted with Guilliman Flesh contrast paint, beret and helmet with Blood Angels Read contrast paint. Lastly, I painted the visor of his helmet with Temple Guard Blue.

Just like the other two, I used Nuln Oil to wash the weapons and recess shade the armour.

Specialist Igor “Eightball” Souza

I thought that Eightball was a mashup of Iron Man and Deathstroke, but it turns out that he is a homage to CMON employee Thiago Aranha.

In anycase, he turned out to be the quickest paint job of the four. He doesn’t have any green panels in the artwork so I didn’t need to bother with that. All I needed to do really was to paint the armour seals with Black Templar contrast paint, his pouches with Gore-Grunta Fur contrast paint and his various weapons and ammo with Scale75 Thrash Metal. His face I painted with Guilliman Flesh and his hair with Basilicanum Grey contrast paints. Lastly, I used Nuln Oil to wash the weapons and ammo, and then to recess shade the armour.


I used the same process for the bases that I have for all the other Zombicide Invader miniatures. I started by painting the rocks with Vallejo Fire Red then covering the remainder of the base with Vallejo Red Oxide texture paste. Once that had fully dried, I washed it with Reikland Fleshshade. I then drybrushed the bases with Kindleflame Dry paint, making sure to get a bit on the boots of the models, so that it looked a bit like dust. Finally, I painted the rims of the base with a matt black.