Frosthaven - "Fist" class unlock
Another class unlock for Frosthaven? You had better believe it!
Crooked Dice - Ettin
Ettin are creatures from Dungeons & Dragons noted for their disgusting habits. The perfect excuse for me to practice some fetid skin tones.
Frosthaven - "Snowflake" class unlock
We unlocked our first class for Frosthaven! Read on to see how we got them painted up.
Testing Painting Techniques - Yellow Armour
Yellow armour can be notoriously hard to paint, but there are a few tricks to make it easier. In this article I take a look at one such trick.
Zombicide Invader - Civilian Extras Part III
Yet more miniatures from the Zombicide Invader Civilian Extras stretch that are unsuited to the slapchop method. But with some simple techniques they can be tabletop ready in no time.
Zombicide Invader - Civilian Extras Part II
Continuing with the Zombicide Invader Civilian Extras I have identified a number of models that would be unsuited to being slapchopped. As such, we need to paint them the old fashioned way.
Claudia Rodriguez "The Sculpt" - Valhalla Part 1
With the Goddesses done I could move onto the next batch of Valhalla miniatures.
Testing Painting Techniques - Slapchop
In this article I see what all the fuss is with the “slapchop” technique. Is the time saver that the internet claims it is? I put it to the test on these Zombicide Invader miniatures.
Kill Team - Sisters Novitiates Assembly
There are so many options when putting together a Kill Team. But which options are right for the narrative campaign that I am putting together?
Age of Sigmar - Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion
Vampires need not be drab and dreary. In this article I give Anasta Malkorion a bright and punchy colour scheme to make her really stand out.
Gloomhaven - "Saw" class unlock
Yet another class unlocked for Gloomhaven! This time we take a look at the “Saw” class.
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the boardgame Gloomhaven.
Warhammer 40,000 - Black Templars Castellan
The Black Templars Castellan is inspired by some classic artwork by John Blanche, and it’s from that same artwork that my paint scheme also takes its inspiration.
Warhammer 40,000 - Swamp terrain
In this article I turn some ponds from Tiny Worlds into toxic swamps riven with death and decay.
Zombicide Invader - Black Ops
The Black Ops is an expansion for Zombicide Invader that pits an elite special forces team against the Xenos threat. As they’re from a singular team I was able to batch paint this box in no time at all.
Warhammer Underworlds - Skaeth’s Wild Hunt
Skaeth’s Wild Hunt is one of the two warbands in the Beastgrave starter set. In this article we use oil washes to really make these hunters pop in your games of Warhammer Underworlds.
Frosthaven - Deathwalker
The final starting class for Frosthaven, the Deathwalker, is here to spread shadows and destruction across the frozen lands.
Frosthaven - Geminate
Am I seeing double? The Geminate class for Frosthaven features two miniatures and this article we get them painted a bold scheme that really makes them stand out.
Frosthaven - Blinkblade
Blink and you’ll miss them! The Blink Blade is here and in no time at all is ready to join you on adventures in Frosthaven.