Zombicide Invader: Dark Side - Scientist Companions

One of the stretch goals for Zombicide Invader was the Dark Side Extras box. It’s mostly a load of extra Driller Xenos but it does have three Scientist Companions. Once attached to a Survivor they provide additional abilities that make staying alive a little easier. 

Whatever their function in the game I wanted to get them painted in almost no time at all. Which means slapping the chop out of them. Or at least my own spin on it. To get things started I glued some slate chips to the bases and primed the models with Colour Forge Standard Grey. I then gave them a zenithal highlight with Liquitex Titanium White acrylic ink through my airbrush. To really bring out the texture I then gave the models a drybrush with Army Painter Matt White. And with that, I was ready to start slapping down some colours. 

Lukas Pavlis

I’m not sure if Lukas is a reference to something. The artwork gives him a red uniform so perhaps he’s a nod to the unlucky Red Shirts from Star Trek? Then again he is described as showing “superior mental abilities over inferior physical skills” (Zombicide: Operation Persephone pg 4), so perhaps Boimler from Star Trek: Lower Decks?

Whomever they are a reference to I started by his skin with Guilliman Flesh and their hair with Army Painter Speedpaint Burnished Red. The jumpsuit I carefully painted with Blood Angels Red while the padding on the jumpsuit and the weapons I painted with Black Templar. So that the model wasn’t just red and black I painted their boots with Cygor Brown.I then carefully painted the lenses of the goggles with Talassar Blue, which stood out nicely against the red and black of the model. Lastly, I picked the various sci-fi doodads on their jumpsuit with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver. 

Doctor Markus de Vries

Again I’m not sure if Doctor de Vries is a reference to something, perhaps a nod to Victor Fries from Batman? Let me know in the comments. 

Like Lukas I started off Markus by painting their skin with Guilliman Flesh. The artwork has them in a white tunic, but as white doesn’t work too well with slap chop I decided to give them a blue-grey tunic by painting it with a coat of Army Painter Speedpaint Runic Grey. The shoulder pads I picked out with Iyanden Yellow. Their gloves I painted with Army Painter Speedpaint Raging Sea, turned out a bit bright and made them look like a Hand of Blue from Firefly. Their trousers I painted with Militarum Green and I picked out the hair, weapon and boots with Black Templar. Lastly, like Lukas, I picked out their sci-fi gubbins on the tunic with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver. 

Olive Hayes

The only Olive I know in popular culture is from Popeye, but I’m pretty sure Ms Hayes is not a reference to her. Maybe she is based on some other intrepid and fearless old lady. 

To start things off, I painted their skin with Guilliman Flesh and their hair with Basilicanum Grey. Their granny jumper I painted with Army Painter Speedpaint Runic Grey and their scarf I painted with Army Painter Speedpaint Familiar Pink. Their trousers, excluding the pads on their thighs which I painted with Iyanden Yellow, I painted with Wyldwood. Their boots, kneepads and weapons I painted with Black Templar. As is tradition I painted the leather details such as the backpack and belt with Gore-Grunta Fur. I finished thing off by painting their necklace with Blood Angels Red, and their teapot and cup with Army Painter Speedpaint Broadsword Silver. 


For the bases I started by giving the rocks a couple of thin coats of Vallejo Fire Red. I then covered the rest of the bases with Vallejo Red Oxide texture paste. Once that was fully dry I then washed the bases with Reikland Fleshshade. Then to bring out the texture and to brighten things back up a little I dryrbrushed the bases with Kindle Flame. Lastly, I painted the rims of the bases with a matt black. 

Further Reading


Zombicide Invader - Plague Gang


Zombicide Invader - Soldier Pledge Extras