Age of Sigmar - Putrid Blightkings painting
The fleshy Putrid Blightkings are a lot of fun to paint, all that skin is a great excuse to go crazy with flesh colours. And the armour plates that they do have are fun way to practice weathering techniques.
Massive Darkness - Silence and Sarah
The last two miniatures that I need to paint for Massive Darkness., the heroes Silence and Sarah. No idea why I put them off for so look as they took no time at all to paint!
Massive Darkness - Werewolf and Living Construct
In this article I take a look at the last two roaming monsters that I need to paint for the boardgame Massive Darkness. Turns out they were really simple and I got them done in no time at all.
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Summer Skirmish
Games Workshop has so many skirmish games now that upcoming releases are getting their own Twitch Preview! WarCry, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds and even Kill Team all have something to show.
Zombicide Invader - Xenos
Speedpainting can be a great way to smash out a pile of miniatures in no time at all. In article we take a look at the steps I took to get the Xenos from Zombicide Invader painted as efficiently as possible.
Gloomhaven - "Eclipse" class unlock
Yet another class unlocked for Gloomhaven! This time we take a look at the “Eclipse” or “Moon” class.
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the boardgame Gloomhaven.
Gloomhaven - "Music Note" class unlock
The “Music Note” character for Gloomhaven has joined the party. Read on to see how I painted them up.
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the boardgame Gloomhaven.
Gloomhaven - "Three Spears" class unlock
Yet another class unlocked for Gloomhaven! This time we take a look at the “Three Spears” class.
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for the boardgame Gloomhaven.
Village Attacks: Horror of the Sands - Monsters
Last but not least we come to the monsters of the Village Attacks: Horror of the Sands expansion. From the fiery Efreet to the insidious Ghoul, no villagers will last the night from the desert nightmares.
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Skulls 2022
Warhammer Skulls is a week long event showing off the latest and upcoming Warhammer video games. Let’s see what previews and updates we have on Day One.
Gloomhaven - Spellweaver
One of the starting classes in Gloomhaven, the Orchid Spellweaver can bring elemental infused destruction to any dungeon.
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) - Ghosts and Cultists
The second batch of enemies for Mansions of Madness have been completed. This time we take a look at the spooky ghosts and the even spookier cultists (they have mustaches).
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 4
The day is here at last, the new edition of the Horus Heresy is to be revealed in all it’s plastic (not resin!) glory. Emperor only knows what treats lay in store for us.
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 3
Specialist Games like Necromunda and Kill Team are getting a glut of reveals on Warhammer Fest Day 3. From new warbands to, yes, even more Squats there’s something for everyone today.
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 2
Day two of Warhammer Fest is all about Age of Sigmar. Skaven and Sylvaneth get some top notch reveals, and for once there isn’t a Stormcast Eternal in sight!
Warhammer Twitch Previews - Warhammer Fest 2022 Day 1
Chaos take center stage on the first day of Warhammer Fest 2022, with a host of new goodies that would make even the most loyal son of the Emperor jealous.
Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) - Riots and Deep One Hybrids
The Mansions of Madness miniatures are quick and easy to paint. But with the right paint job they can add to the creepy nature of the board game.
Village Attacks: Horror of the Sands - Town Heroes
The Horror of the Sands expansion for Village Attacks has a host of colourful Town Heroes that can show up and ruin your day.